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Dear friends and supporters of ICARUS!

Summer is in full swing and we hope you are all doing fine.

To accompany your summer vacation or to lift your mood while still in the office, we'd like to share with you what's been happening lately (respectively what's upcoming):

  • An interactive virtual exhibition has been launched by the partners of the "Archives and Traces of Migration (AtoM)" project
  • ICARUS and our friends' association ICARUS4all will greatly support the upcoming conference "Digital History & Citizen Science" in Halle/DE (19-22 September 2024)
  • Our partner, the Expatriate Archive Center, is proud to announce the winner of the 2024 EAC thesis award
  • A kind reminder to submit your proposals for our upcoming Convention in Naples (deadline: 17. July 2024)
  • And finally: all speakers from the 32nd Convention in Novi Sad are invited to publish their papers in the conference proceedings
Enjoy the read and the summer sun,
Your ICARUS-team

Virtual Exhibition: Archives and Traces of Migration

AtoM - Archives and Traces of Migration, is a European project that aims to contribute to innovation in the archival sector, specifically in the development of new documentary and archival practices related to migration. The proposals seeks to explore issues of appraisal, preservation, description and access of archival and documentary heritage material that documents emigration, expatriation, immigration, and diaspora communities, with clear contributions to the social inclusion of these communities through archival heritage and archival practices.

Now the team has launched a virtual exhibition, visualising migratory routes on an interactive map, presenting migration from the perspectives of individuals and their life stories. The virtual exhibition, through this storytelling approach, showcases personal narratives recorded in documentary and archival material, as well as oral testimonies. Archival traces of migration are dispersed globally. The exhibition highlights the complexity of migration research for scholars, members of migrant communities, and their descendants.

You can follow the exhibition on Social Media:

Instagram: @atom.exhibition

Twitter: @AtoMexhibition


Digital History & Citizen Science: Celebrating 35 years of CompGen

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the computer genealogy association “CompGen”, the organisation is holding a multi-day conference in Halle (Saale,DE) together with the AG Digital History of the Association of Historians in Germany, NFDI4Memory, Archion and ICARUS and ICARUS4all.

Between 19-22 September 2024, the Steintor campus of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg will become the center of digital history and genealogy research with an extensive programme of workshops, presentations and panel discussions as well as guided tours and social events.

Highlight: the programme will feature our ICARUS crew, namely Thomas Aigner (chair, panel discussion), Karl Heinz and Daniel Jeller (Monasterium), Alexander Schatek (Topothek) and Žarko Vujošević (ICARUS-presentation), as well as other German speaking representatives of our ICARUS and ICARUS4all members.

Further information about the conference programme (note: all in German) and registration (as well as accommodation, etc.) can be found on the conference website.

Congratulations: the 2024 EAC Thesis Award has been granted to Gijs Hoekstra

The Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC) is proud to announce the winner of the 2024 EAC Master’s Thesis Award, created to celebrate and reward outstanding master’s theses that deepen our understanding of the impact of expatriation on people’s lives. This award is open for submissions through a bi-annual call, after which the jurors select the winning thesis. The EAC Thesis Award is organised in partnership with Families in Global Transition, The International Metropolis Project, the International Centre for Archival Research, TheHagueOnLine, ACCESS Netherlands and DutchNews.nl.

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2024 EAC Thesis Award is Gijs Hoekstra from Erasmus University Rotterdam for the exceptional thesis, “Parallel Lives or Overlapping Worlds? Explaining the development of the social lives and interactions of Mediterranean migrants in the Rotterdam port region, 1960 – 1980”. The selected thesis will receive a €500 prize, and the executive summary will be published online by the EAC and partner organisations involved in this project. Read more about the winning thesis here.

The EAC Master’s Thesis Award, established in 2019, will hold its next round in 2026.

Kind reminder: Deadline for the Submission of Papers for the ICARUS Convention #33

In case you haven't yet submitted your proposal for a presentation, workshop or panel discussion covering one of the topics suggested below, there's still a little time left! Our colleagues in Naples are looking forward to receiving your abstract until the end of the day!

Themes corresponding to the overall topice of the Convention "European Travel Routes - in GLAM, Digital Humanities and Archival Documents" may cover:

Travel as Cultural Dialogue and GLAM Heritage

  • Development of thematic itineraries within galleries, libraries, archives, and museums based on travel-related materials.
  • Travel as a tool for experiential knowledge and inspiration for the production and creation of documents and artistic artifacts.
  • Travel-related materials as a means to promote cultural dialogue among different communities and cultures.

Collaborative Experiences between GLAM, Universities, and the General Public

  • Research and enhancement of travel-related materials.
  • Innovative strategies for the digitization and dissemination of travel materials, fostering broader and more inclusive access.

Archive Materials and the Theme of Travel

  • The archives and museums and travel-related materials.
  • Systems and standards used to describe and catalog these materials, ensuring they are easily searchable and accessible.
  • Communication and accessibility of travel-related materials: techniques and strategies.

Preparing the Conference Proceedings: ICARUS Convention #32

Our colleagues at the Archives of Vojvodina and the Historical City Archives of Novi Sad will issue conference proceedings of the ICARUS Convention #32 "Archives and Research - Between the Analog and the Digital".

We invited all the speakers to start preparing their contributions in due time, to be submitted by 1 November 2024 at latest.

Looking forward to your submissions!
All ICARUS community members are most welcome to share their news, updates, events, etc. with us to distribute them further. Just get in touch with our communication team.

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ICARUS - International Centre for Archival Research
Spaces Central Station
Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sander Str. 2-4
1100 Vienna
